Monday, August 14, 2017

The first good bye

1 of my new year resolution year 2015 is a new and nice furnished condo unit nearer to city centre. The box checked, I moved to a very decent place month of December same year.
I left my comfort space 2 weeks ago because the same year another goal in the list yet to come to pass. It is so hard to make the decision and execute it. I love every bit of the condo unit but I have only enjoyed it for 1 year 7 months, rented out now.  The good rental that is able to cover the loan interest is the balance of my emotional where i do not have any financial burden now. It is important to plan and manage my financial requirement before my step out from salaried life.
In the past 2 years, the step become bigger and more faith lifting, from banking life to a boutique financial house and now the journey to stand on my own. I am excited yet very fearful for what is ahead. 17 weeks to go !