Monday, January 30, 2017

Where is she ?

Don’t dream, plan and do it. It can be very different if I started my online business when I was a student. Life is not the same if I know blogging can be a source of income back then. Well, if I have started maybe I failed and living more miserable than now. It also can be I am bright and successful. I was once a very ambitious and energetic girl who wanted to make my face and name on business and financial magazines. I organized a profit earning party with my housemate and we made our first RM 1000 in life. What happen to me today? I have lost all the confident and passion that I used to have.
30 years old now, that was 10 years ago, what happen in the between? It can be the realistic of life slowly change me. From the first boyfriend who told me don’t go in sales be credit analyst or operation officer, work in bank good benefit; investments and stock market all is conman job. (To be fair, he did instil some good value as well). To people that I met along the way has slowly build up who am I today.
Enough of what if, do it please ! I really miss the girl that win all the applause every time she stands up …

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


My simple lifestyle is about living to the values that I care about rather than the ones society tells me to care about. My friend argues with me saying I am lip servicing it but did not live it out and the other friend commented what is the value then. It caught my mind and I wrote this.

Minimalism, my way of living. I started to subscript to this concept of live simple and be minimalist since end of 2015. It started when I face the turtle neck at my career path. After many think through, I come to a conclusion I have to change some of my goal and value in life. Live simple and dream big became my slogan of life year 2016. The more I met and talk to successful and wealthy man the more I am firm ‘live simple, stay humble and dream big’ going to be my principle of life.

The first practice came when I moved to my new place. Well it is a mid-high range unit, being minimalist is not about living at some shutter area but is about quality and the value. The location is good, I think there are potential for the price to go up and most importantly owning the unit will not cause me to live high up to nose. The furnishing of my new place, I keep it very simple and within my budget. Buy only what is necessary and practical with CASH.

The bottom line to live simple is live below what I am afford so I will not be busy and overly attach to material thing and the value is what make me satisfied and a better me. It doesn't mean I am settle for small target or lesser quality life but it is about be very clear and focus on what I am up for life. Minimalism bring me freedom. Discuss more if there is chance !

Saturday, January 14, 2017

1 2 3 , no looking back !

An article about how to be rich caught my attention, basically the author list 3 ways to wealthy life . Number 1 is to run a profitable and growing business, Number 2 is to work upward in corporate to C level, Number 3 sales, choose the best commission and sell. I couldn’t finish or rather I am afraid to finish it because I can't face the reality of where am I today?

I have left number 2 to number 3 but I am not commission based or rather the job will not make me rich. My goal ‘’suppose’’ to be number 1? Since young, dad has been advising me to be entrepreneur and no one in my family working for others but I am always very skeptical about it. I used to think spend life in a big corporation and work the way up seem to be not a bad way of living.

After 8 years, I found I am a rat in the race, no fulfilment; work is just for the money that I can have average life. When I was 25 years old, I ask my manager, what he was doing when he is 30 years old. He told he started his own business later on failed and went back to bank. Even with his experience he still encourage me to walk a difference path, leave the corporate world go for something that I really want.

4 years later, i quit bank, yes I have stepped out but still yet to find the way. One thing I am sure, I cannot look back !